Latest Gutenberg 11.2 Brings New Enhancements, Bug Fixes

Daniel Richards from the WordPress core development team announced the new Gutenberg 11.2.0 on August 5 with many bug fixes and improvements. This is also an incremental update in that it’s not a major upgrade. It includes color support and border color support for the search button and offers a slightly better performance.

What’s included in the new Gutenberg 11.2 version

Search block – button and border colors

Search block – button and border colors

Image Source: WordPress,org

The search block is one of the new features in Gutenberg 11.2. It now allows for more design customization. More color options for the search button and search box border are now available.

More Pullquote Block Design Options

Pullquote: Add border and color support

Image Source:

Similarly, the pullquote block can be personalized. The border and color support for pullquotes has now been added.

“Another important goal of design tools is ensuring a wide range of exquisitely crafted patterns are possible; that best practices are not only possible but encouraged; and that customizing blocks is a consistent and natural experience,” Gutenberg Lead Architect Matias Ventura said in the ticket tracking design tool tasks.

Group block – flex layout

On the group block, an experimental flex layout option is being beta tested. This is an early look at a feature that would allow parent blocks to define the layout of their inner blocks.

The intention is to provide options for changing the orientation, alignment, justification, and spacing within a flex layout in the near future.

A new button for creating posts has been added

New button for creating posts as part of the publishing flow

Image Source:

If you’re writing multiple posts in a row, you can now create a new post from the editor as part of the publishing flow.


When compared to Gutenberg 11.1, there are minor improvements when testing a particularly large post (36,000 words, 1,000 blocks) over the previous releases. In addition, a large post is not representative of the average editing experience, but it is sufficient for detecting differences in performance.

Version Loading Time KeyPress Event (typing)
Gutenberg 11.2 8.48 s 37.89ms
Gutenberg 11.1 8.54 s 38.17ms
WordPress 5.8 8.43 s 39.71ms

In addition, more information on the Bug Fixes, New APIs, Enhancements, Experiments, and Documentation can be found in the official announcement.

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