The launch of Gutenberg edition in WordPress 5.0 has been one of the most preferred moves in the content industry aimed to bring over a revolutionary way of aiding the creation of websites as per every individual’s choice. Not only the Gutenberg edition provides a whole new level of tools and facilities to the website creators, but also offers an exciting default editing experience.
There’s a lot more hidden behind the Gutenberg theme. So, without wasting any more time, let’s dive deep into the understanding of the Gutenberg’s WordPress theme 2019.
a) Exterior Appearance
After updating to WordPress 5.0, the Gutenberg specific WordPress theme is automatically installed. When clicked, the opening page features a Sample Hello World Post, Sample comment box, and various widgets like the search box, recent comments, categories, recent posts, archives, and meta links, just like the Twenty Seventeen WordPress theme. But, the unique feature underlying in the new WordPress Twenty Nineteen theme is the customization option available which enables a user to customize the website as per their choice. Moreover, the absence of an image, icon, site header image also make the work easy as it gives a blank space to put forth new ideas and website designs, apart from the same monotonous designs.
b) Customizations Available
The editor comes with various customization options which were not available previously. In case of issues, the editor also supports the plugin of Classic Editor and allows individuals to work with the WordPress Twenty Nineteen theme along with its customizations. And, the most unique specialty of this theme is the absence of any image or header image, offering the WordPress users a blank canvas to design their websites as they want without any restrictions. Similarly, when images are applied, one can also find larger images above the post which mostly differs in its color from the header image. The reason being, the Twenty Nineteen WordPress theme automatically puts a filter on the header images. This feature can be disabled with a single click whenever desired by going to the colors menu option.
c) Logos and Icons
While uploading logos in the Gutenberg edition’s default WordPress Twenty Nineteen theme, one has to upload them in square sized images or crop them into a square. This is normally asked before selection of the logo image. After the requirements are completed, the editor places the site logo on the top left of the page to facilitate greater visibility to the site source. Furthermore, one can also find a new menu item called the social menu which comprises of a list of 35 most preferred social links to choose from. Additionally, a user can also add a new social link from the list, where the social link’s icon gets automatically added in the theme. However, in case of social links not available in the list, a universal link icon is displayed for the links.