The World’s Most Popular CRM WordPress comes with many features, and with many issues. Issues such as “The site is experiencing technical difficulties” is not something that anyone would want to face on their WordPress site. If something went wrong with your WordPress website, this error occurs.
There were no error messages before WordPress 5.2. All you had to see a blank white screen. It was called the White Screen of Death. And from WordPress 5.2, this error message “The site is experiencing technical difficulties” appears. Which is more useful than the white screen of death.
In this post, you will learn the best ways to resolve this issue in a very short time.
Most of the time this issue can be fixed by simply doing a rollback of your site. Which means downgrading to the previous version of your site. But to do this you need to have a backup of your site.
But in most cases, people don’t have access to a backup of their site. Also, rolling back may fix the issue, but it will not be convenient for people to redo all the changes they have made with their current versions of their website.
Finding the issue
To fix the problem, you’ll need to figure out the problem that caused this error. This can be done by troubleshooting whether it’s a theme or a plugin.
Theme Troubleshooting
You will have to perform the troubleshoot with either your web host’s file manager (CPanel’s file manager) or using the FTP or sFTP. To do this, rename your active theme’s folder by adding DISABLE or OFF to the end of the folder’s name.
For example, if you’re using Twenty Twenty and the folder is ‘twentytwenty’, you would name it ‘twentytwentyDISABLE’ or ‘twentytwentyOLD’. Go back to the front of your site and refresh it.
The goal is to see if the error message goes away. If it is not, it is not an issue of the theme. Once you have finished troubleshooting, make sure that you rename the folder to its original name again.
Plugin Troubleshooting
Similarly, You will have to rename the ‘plugins’ folder to ‘pluginsOFF’ on your web host’s file manager or CPanel file manager or using the FTP or sFTP. It will turn off all the plugins on your website and will make your site available again.

Change plugins folder name via cPanel or web host’s file manager

Change plugins folder name using FTP client
You will find the ‘plugins’ folder inside the ‘public_html’ folder or in the ‘’ folder.
Upon accessing the website, you can try to activate each of the plugins before you get the same error on your site. The plugin you reactivated last is the problem.
Then you will have to follow the process again from the top. Rename the ‘plugins’ folder to ‘pluginsOFF’. This will turn off the plugins again. Leave the plugin with the error.
Then you can contact the developer or community to fix the issue while keeping the plugin deactivated.
Another way to fix the issue
Goto your CPanel or Webhosting file manager or you can use FTP client to browse your file manager.
Search for the ‘wp-config.php’ file in the file manager. After finding the file, right-click on it and click on ‘Edit’.
The ‘wp-config’ file will open, find the define
( 'WP_DEBUG' , false);
Change the false
to true
and press on the Save Changes button on the top right.
Then go to your website and refresh the error page. Now you will see a different error but this time it will show some more details about the error. You can see which plugin has the error and because of which you get “The site is experiencing technical difficulties” error on your site.
Now go back back to the file manager, find and open the ‘wp-content’ folder. Then you will find the ‘plugins’ folder. Open the ‘plugins’ folder and then find the plugin that was causing the error, rename it to any name.
Now go back to your site and refresh it. You will see that the issue is no longer there. And you can access your admin area.
Go back to the ‘wp-config’ file and rename the ‘true
‘ value in the define
( 'WP_DEBUG' , true);
to ‘false
‘ and save it.
I hope this article will help you solve the problem. If you still have any doubts, you can make a comment below.
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