Top 7 Powerful WordPress Website Speed Test Tools

If you want to make your WordPress site faster, you must first figure out how fast it now loads. Then you may calculate and compare your WordPress website’s speed to that of an older version.

Notably, before taking any extra actions to improve your website’s speed, you should be informed of its existing speed. Following that, a WordPress speed test will provide you with all of the information you require to move on.

What is the purpose of the WordPress Speed Test?

The majority of web users despite websites that take too long to load. A website should load in less than three seconds on average. Because of the slow loading speed, users avoid similar websites. Slow-loading websites are no longer acceptable in this decade.

You should know if your WordPress site is one of those that takes a long time to load. You won’t be able to avoid it unless you determine the exact speed of your website. To find out the speed of your website, you should run a WordPress speed test.

Top 7 WordPress Website Speed Test Tools

There are numerous WordPress speed test tools available for you to use. Each has its own unique method of conducting speed tests and providing speed data. Rather than trying each one of them you can use the most effective tools directly from this list.

In this post, we have create a list of the top 7 WordPress speed test tools for you:

1. GTmetrix Speed Test

GTmetrix Speed Test

Because of its detailed observations and performance report, GTmetrix is one of the most popular WordPress speed test tools. It’s worth using because of the usability and information quality.

GTmetrix has a system for grading websites based on their performance, which is prioritized. Your website is graded, and then the web vitals with details are presented.

All of the sections with full information include Summary, Performance, Structure, Waterfall, Video, History with all the facts, and Top Issues to Fix.

2. Google PageSpeed Insights

Google PageSpeed Insights

Google PageSpeed Insights is an open-source service that allows you to test the speed and performance of your website. It’s easy to use, and it can run tests for both mobile and desktop under various conditions.

The site insights results include field data, lab data, opportunities, diagnoses, and passed audits. For example, in the field data, FCP (First Contentful Paint) denotes the time it takes for content to load on the page, while FID (First Input Delay) denotes the responsiveness of the page.

The Opportunities section suggests areas where you can improve, the Diagnostics section identifies issues that need to be addressed, and the Passed Audits section identifies areas where you’re succeeding.

When a Google service provides you with information about your website, you should pay attention. Because Google controls the search ranking, the majority of your visitors will use Google to find you.

3. Pingdom Speed Test

Pingdom Speed Test

Pingdom is one of the most popular WordPress performance test tools. With the ability to test WordPress speed from seven different servers in 70 different locations around the world, it is a useful tool for users all over the world.

It combines easy usability with in-depth performance analysis. There’s also a grading system for comparing your website’s loading speed and performance to that of other global websites.

Pingdom offers features to help you improve page performance (DNS lookups, Expires headers, HTTP requests, URL redirects, and so on). It also tells you how big your various content types are (Image, Script, HTML, Font, XHR). It also displays your response codes.

4. WebPageTest


WebPageTest is a professional site speed testing tool that gives you detailed information and speed metrics about your website.

You can choose from four different speed test categories when you first start the test (Advanced testing, Simple, Visual Comparison, Traceroute). The system repeats the speed test three times before displaying the results in a waterfall view, screenshot, and slow-motion load time video.

WebPageTest categorizes your website speed data into sections such as Summary, Details, Performance, Content, Domains, and Image Analysis. As a result, you’ll have a better understanding of the current state and performance of various aspects of your website.

5. KeyCDN Website Speed Test

KeyCDN Website Speed Test

The KeyCDN website performance speed test can test your website’s speed from ten different locations around the world. This tool can also be used to test the performance of your website.

The website speed test tool provides various gradings to show the performance of various website components in terms of speed. These findings also suggest that you take the necessary steps to address the problems.

You also get a pie chart of the speed metrics, as well as the details and performance of your website’s various pages. The page loading time, size, and status are all included in each of these page speed results.

6. Uptrends Website Speed Test

Uptrends Website Speed Test

Uptrends’ website speed test tool lets you test your site’s performance on a variety of browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Phantoms JS) and internet connections (Native, ADSL, Fiber, Cable) to account for the wide range of visitors from around the world.

To begin, you’ll see a summary of your website’s performance, including the total load time, home page size, requests required, and the types of connections you’re using, as well as the Google PageSpeed score.

Second, you get performance improvement analytics, which shows you which areas of your website need to be improved in order to improve its speed.

Finally, you receive a request for your website’s Waterfall metrics. You also get tables and charts for the object types, object bytes, and other information.

7. Yellow Lab Tools

Yellow Lab Tools

The Yellow Lab Tools is one of the most recent, yet most intelligent, additions to the world of website speed testing. It can perform a speed test as well as a page speed audit and a front-end analysis on your website. For a better understanding, you get very detailed metrics.

The website speed test plugin initially displays a global score for your website. Later on, you’ll get more information about the various components and how they perform in terms of things like page weight, requests, DOM complexity, JS complexity, JQuery CSS, fonts, and so on. All of these options include detailed information that will aid your website’s performance.


Websites that load in less than three seconds are generally regarded as excellent. Although there hasn’t been any technical standard that precisely defines an ideal website loading time.

From the perspective of regular users, the ideal speed is when users have a smooth browsing experience with no interruptions or lag.

You can choose and install a WordPress speed optimization plugin if you want to get even more speed out of your WordPress website.

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