How to Move WordPress Sites Easily with Migration Plugins?

While the market is full of various guides and videos on how to move a website from one place to another, the inclusion of coding can seem to be a pretty scary option for beginners or people who have just started their websites or are planning to start one. The reason behind moving websites is usually to change database folders or even the host provider. Let’s have a look at the basic steps while moving a WordPress site with a Site Migration Plugin.

Steps for Moving WordPress Site

a) Installing the Site Migration Plugin

One can choose from a wide range of site migration plugins available in the market, which work by bundling up the content and constituents of a WordPress site and changing them into a single downloadable file. This helps in streamlining the transfer of the WordPress site to its new location. However, free site migration plugins also have some limitations, such as free versions of plugins have a specific handling size. Hence, it is advised to check for site migration plugins with higher memory capacity for individuals or companies having larger websites.

b) Bundling up the Site

After the plugin is installed, click on Export, which will redirect to a new page. One can change the details in the page or simply go to the advanced option and make changes as desired. In case you are interested to replace the text in your site address to something new, proper care should be ensured while changing the text in the old site address to the new one. Afterward one will need to replace the text of the site in the database as well. Moreover, one should also be aware of making silly mistakes like deleting ‘s’ from https:// and using ‘//’ at the end.

c) Changing the Web Host

If you are changing your former web host, then the first step is to change DNS (name server) settings which are done through one’s domain registrar by using the details provided by the web host provider. As a result, your users are redirected to the new site whenever they click on the site address or icon. However, these changes should be done during a quiet hour to avoid confusion for your audience. Afterward, the user will be prompted to ‘Install WordPress’ at the new site address followed by the installation of the site migration plugin to facilitate moving of the site.

d) Final Touch

After the installation of the site migration plugin, one will need to upload the file and follow the steps as stated. In the end, the user will be prompted to reset the permalinks in the new site address without actually changing the settings. Sometimes, users may have to re-sign in just before or after this step to verify the authentication process. However, it is highly advised to test the website for faults by visiting the site in an incognito window or in another window as a regular visitor to get an idea on the functioning of the new website.